Babette, some thoughts — I have played in fiddle contests for 38 years all over the US and Canada. I have won some, lost some, had tons of fun, and had a few not so fun times. Here are a … Continue reading
Babette, some thoughts — I have played in fiddle contests for 38 years all over the US and Canada. I have won some, lost some, had tons of fun, and had a few not so fun times. Here are a … Continue reading
Released Sept. 5, 2014 — Live to Fly/Learn to Fall by The Casual Flyze. I was fortunate to be called to play on a couple of the songs. Hope you like them! In fact, I hope you enjoy the whole … Continue reading
A person walks into a tree. “Oh! It’s a tree!” Changing direction, the person soon walks into another tree. “Oh! It’s another tree!” The person changes direction again and walks into yet another tree. “Oh! It’s another tree!” Over and … Continue reading